Seminar - Care and Conservation of Historic Graveyards
The Council's of the City & County of Kilkenny
are hosting a seminar on
"The Care and Conservation of Historic Graveyards"
Newpark Hotel, Kilkenny
1.30pm on Thursday 30th April, 2009
The seminar, which will include talks and a questions and answers session, will provide participants with practical advice on caring for historic graveyards.
There will be talks on wildlife in graveyards, graveyard recording, do's and don'ts in graveyard management, and insurance for community groups.
Who should attend?
Burial ground committee members, Tidy Town/Development Association Committee Members, Burial Ground Registrars, Clergy, Elected Representatives, Local Authority Staff, Archaeologists, Engineers, Ecologists, FÁS & Probation Service.
Attendance at the seminar is a condition of the Kilkenny County Council and Kilkenny Borough Council Historic Graveyard Grant Scheme 2009.
The seminar is free. However, places are limited so booking is essential. For further details please contact :
Elizabeth Shortall, Corporate Affairs, Kilkenny Borough Council, City Hall, High Street, Kilkenny. Tel: 056-7794533.