Civic Reception for The Very Reverend Norman Lynas, Dean of Cashel and Ossory
The Mayor and Members of Kilkenny Borough Council held a Civic Reception for The Very Reverend Norman Lynas, Dean of Cashel and Ossory, on Tuesday, 3rd November, 2009, at 8.00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, City Hall, High Street, Kilkenny.
At this reception the Mayor and Members wished Dean Lynas well in his new appointment in Bermuda and thanked him most sincerely for his dedication to the city and the people of Kilkenny.

Mrs. Nicola Lynas, The Very Reverend Dean Norman
Lynas, Mayor Malcolm Noonan and
Mr. Joe Crockett, Kilkenny City & County Manager.

Mrs. Nicola Lynas, The Very Reverend Dean Norman
Lynas, Mayor Malcolm Noonan and
Mr. Joe Crockett, Kilkenny City & County Manager.

Painting of St. Canice's Cathedral by local artist,
Mr. Jonathan Pumfrey, presented to Dean Lynas
by The Mayor and Members of Kilkenny Borough Council.