Revised EIS - Central Access Scheme
Revised EIS - Central Access Scheme
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Revised Environmental Impact Statement in respect of
The Central Access Scheme for the City of Kilkenny
Section 51 of the Roads Act, 1993
Planning and Development Acts 2000 - 2010.
Planning and Development Regulations, 2000 - 2010.
Kilkenny County Council in accordance with Section 51 of the Roads Act, 1993, Section 175 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 as amended by Sections 6 and 34 of the Planning and Development (Strategic Infrastructure) Act, 2006 and in accordance with Section 217 B (4) of the Planning and Development (Strategic Infrastructure) Act, 2006 hereby gives notice that an application has been made to An Bord Pleanála for approval for the above development.
Kilkenny County Council has prepared a revised Environmental Impact Statement pursuant to an invitation of An Bord Pleanála under Section 217 B (4) of the Planning and Development (Strategic Infrastructure) Act, 2006 in respect of the redesigned scheme with alterations referred to in the letter from An Bord Pleanála to Kilkenny County Council dated 7th July 2009.
Alteration to the proposed development
The nature of the alterations to the proposed development are as follows:
(i) That section of roadway between Dean Street and Loughmacask and between Dean Street and Kilcreene has been omitted.
(ii) The design of the proposed Nore Bridge has been altered to omit the vertical suspension pylons but to include supports in the river and a viewing area on the deck of the bridge.
(iii) The altered design provides for full access to Greensbridge Street.
(iv) The altered design provides for bus drop off and set down along its route.
(v) The altered design excludes the proposal for a signalised crossroads in that portion of the street through the K Mart site and instead provides for a small urban space.
(vi) The approach to the proposed new bridge through the Diageo site is now set at a much lower profile so that access to adjacent lands and properties is at grade.
Description of the Altered Scheme.
The altered scheme consists of an urban street approximately 700 metres in length, which will link St. Canice's Place in Kilkenny City to the Castlecomer Road on the east of the City. The proposed urban street will incorporate a bridge crossing the River Nore.
The street will accommodate two lanes 3.5m wide for traffic in either direction and two parallel cycle lanes 1.5m wide at road level. Footways will be provided on both sides of the street. In general, these footways will be 2m wide and will be raised behind the roadside kerbs. On the River Nore Bridge, the footways will be widened to 3m. The bridge will also support a further widened observation platform above the river bank on the southeast side of the crossing.
The scheme will also include the following features:
(i) 2 Signalised junctions at Vicar Street/St. Canice's Place and at Castlecomer Road.
(ii) 3 Connections to the existing streets at Greensbridge Street, Michael Street and Wolfe Tone Street.
(iii) A 5-span bridge over the River Nore featuring a diverging footbridge on the southeast bank to connect to Michael Street.
(iv) Retaining walls rising to approximately 3m high on either side of the approach to the western abutment of the River Nore Bridge.
(v) Various walls, fencing and pedestrian barrier systems.
(vi) Various earthworks and road pavements.
(vii) Various drainage works with attenuation facilities, and associated drainage outfalls.
(viii) Various chambers and ducting works to be undertaken at various locations within the site for use by the Authorities, Utilities and Service Providers and Private Utility Services and the like.
(ix) Various landscape and environmental mitigation works.
(x) Various signing and lighting works.
(xi) Various speed reduction measures.
(xii) Various accommodation works including accesses to properties and lands; and
(xiii) Various ancillary works.
The proposed development is a Transportation Objective in the Kilkenny County Council County Development Plan and in the Kilkenny City and Environs Development Plan.
The proposed central access scheme will facilitate the commercial, residential, educational, cultural and recreational development of the City of Kilkenny. The scheme will also include provision for new and improved pedestrian and cycle linkages and will facilitate a modal transport shift in the historic City centre.
A copy of the Environmental Impact Statement may be inspected free of charge, between the hours of 9.00a.m. to 1.00p.m. and 2.00p.m. to 5.00p.m. from Friday, 25th February 2011 to Monday, 11th April 2011 inclusive (excluding Bank Holidays) at;
- Kilkenny County Council, County Hall, John Street, Kilkenny.
- Kilkenny County Council, Road Design Office, Dean Street, Kilkenny.
- Kilkenny Borough Council, City Hall, High Street, Kilkenny.
A copy of the full Environmental Impact Statement may be purchased for a fee of €300 at the Office of Kilkenny County Council, County Hall, John Street, Kilkenny. A copy of the non-technical summary of the Environmental Impact Statement may be purchased for a fee of €10. The full Environmental Impact Statement is available on C.D. for a fee of €5.
Any person within the period from Friday, 25th February 2011 to Monday, 11th April 2011 inclusive, on payment of the prescribed fee of €50, can make a written submission/observation to An Bord Pleanála, Strategic Infrastructure Developments Section, 64 Marlborough Street, Dublin 1, in relation to
i. The implications of the proposed development for the proper planning and sustainable development in the area concerned, and
ii. the likely effects on the environment of the proposed road development if carried out.
A new compulsory purchase order has been submitted to the Board for approval for the altered development and where written objections are made, an oral hearing may be held.
The Board held an oral hearing into the proposed scheme in December 2008 and may decide to hold a further oral hearing in relation to the likely effects of the proposal. Evidence in relation to the likely effects on the environment may be given at the oral hearing. Before making its decision on the application for approval, the Board must consider the environmental impact statement, any written submissions made on it and not withdrawn and, where an oral hearing is held the report and any recommendations of the inspector holding the oral hearing where evidence was given in relation to the likely effects on the environment of the proposal. Public notice of any oral hearing will be given at a later date. The Board may, by order, approve a proposed road development with or without modifications or may refuse to approve such a development.
Further information may be obtained from the Road Design Department, Dean Street, Kilkenny. Telephone 056-7794300
John Mulholland
Director of Services
Transportation, Corporate Affairs and Emergency Services.
Date 22nd February 2011.
Download Revised Environmental Impact Statement
Index Page (554 KB) .pdf
Volume 1 - Non Technical Summary (4.33 MB) .pdf
Volume 2 - Main Report (1.51 MB) .pdf
Volume 3 - Figures (57.6 MB) .pdf
Volume 4 - Appendices (18.2 MB) .pdf
Related Links:
Central Access Scheme for the City of Kilkenny-Compulsory Purchase Order (No. 1) of 2011