Astunning park and gardens along the along the banks of the magical River Nore is to be developed in Kilkenny as part of a major regeneration of the city centre. Details of a major new riverside linear park along the Brewery with a view of Kilkenny Castle, were revealed in the Masterplan for the development of the Smithwick's Brewery site unveiled this week.

The park and river gardens will be a major recreational resource for the people of Kilkenny and an attraction for the thousands of tourists who visit each year. It will incorporate a walkway along river level divided into distinct plots including one for show gardens, similar to what is seen at Bloom, which could be developed gradually over the years.
The proposal is to echo the long narrow plots characteristic of Medieval towns throughout western Europe where houses were built behind shops with gardens and orchards .
Walking south along the riverbank, the gardens, walkway and poplar trees will lead the eye to majestic Kilkenny castle in the distance, becoming THE view of the city.

It is proposed that the linear park will extend northwards along the Brewery site, past the new bridge and Green's Bridge to the existing parklands beyond. To the south, it will seamlessly link with the existing, wonderful canal walk and to a new pedestrian bridge proposed for construction under Ossory Bridge, linking to the existing riverside walk along the Health Board lands.
Together, this coordinated continuous ensemble of riverbank gardens, parks, walkways, bridges and the castle will develop into a major park and garden with a unique riverside park, a major amenity and a tourist attraction, in the centre of the city , at the Smithwicks site.