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The Sovereigns and Mayors of Kilkenny 1282-2010
The Sovereigns and Mayors of Kilkenny 1282-2010
Sovereigns of the Town of Kilkenny 1282 1608
List of Sovereigns 1282-1608
List of Mayors 1609-2010
Article Courtesy of The Kilkenny Archaeological Society
The first reference to the election of a sovereign or chief magistrate in Kilkenny is the bylaw which Charles McNeill in his edition of Liber Primus Kilkenniensis dates to 1231 :
"Le vendredy proscheyn deuaunt la fest de Seint Michel larchangle lan nostre Seyngnour me cc trentune ordine est e establie par assent de la comunalte de Kilkenny qe a iescune feste de Seynt Michel larchangle la dite comunalte soient assembles pour lour sofreyn elire " or in McNeills summary "It was ordained and established by assent of the commonalty of Kilkenny that the commonalty should be assembled at Michaelmas each year to elect a sovereign".
Unfortunately, there is no record of who that first sovereign was. The earliest name mentioned in Liber Primus appears to be that of Henricius Owtlawe who is mentioned in a copy of a grant dated 1312.
There have been three attempts to compile a list of the sovereigns of Kilkenny. One was the work of Alderman Richard Connell, who put a list of Sovereigns, Sheriffs and Mayors into the book of translations of old records which he presented to Kilkenny Corporation in 1693. The next was included by J.T. Gilbert in his account of Robert Rothes Register of the Antiquities and Statutes of the Town of Kilkenny. The earliest effort and the source of much of the other two lists is found in this book of Rothes.
Robert Rothe was the first recorder of the City of Kilkenny under the charter of 1609. His father David and grandfather, Robert were both sovereigns of the Town of Kilkenny on several occasions. He served as sovereign in 1582 and became mayor in 1609, the first to serve a full term. He was distantly related to the tenth earl of Ormond and was his legal adviser. He served as MP in the 1585 parliament. Rothe compiled a manuscript which is now Manuscript 105 of the Gilbert collection kept in the Dublin City Archives. It is of course quite difficult for the ordinary reader to follow because of the early seventeenth century hand in which it is written, but Gilbert had a transcript, manuscript 106, done in the nineteenth century and this is easy to read.
Rothes book gives as far as possible a year by year account of Kilkenny: elections of officials, registration of burgesses, of free merchants and craftsmen and bylaws passed by the dern hundred. In William Marshalls charter, the hundred was a court held in the town once a fortnight. In later times the Dern hundred was the assembly of the Sovereign, burgess and commons of the town. It was in the Dern Hundred held after the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross that the sovereign was elected and later at Michaelmas took his oath of office.
In Rothes book each year begins with the name, where known, of the sovereign for the year. He quotes extensively from Liber Primus and Liber Secundus. Indeed we seem to owe these titles for the two earliest record books of Kilkenny Corporation to Robert Rothes introduction to his Register or Breviat of the Antiquities and Statuts of the town of Kilkenny.
Rothe got his names of sovereigns and other officials primarily from Liber Primus and Liber Secundus. Anybody who cares to repeat the exercise of trawling through Liber Primus can come up with twenty-three names before the year 1400. Rothe managed to add sixty-seven names for the same period, starting with Richard Palmer in 1282. Between 1400 and 1516, he was able to add a further thirty-four names. He managed this by examining old leases, grants and other documents: some were his own; some were in the possession of various merchant and gentry families Archer, Rothe, Grace, Savage, Lawless; some were in the treasury of Kilkenny Corporation; some were from the former libraries of the friars minor and friars preachers; some are simply described as being in his custody or seen by him. Rothe was a lawyer much trusted by the 10th Earl of Ormond and may be referring to Ormonde documents. In most cases he copied the whole document into his register and the name of the owner is given. He quotes each lease in full and each is dated and was given in the presence of the sovereign and portreives for that year.
He was well aware of the problems involved in dating the terms of the various sovereigns: if the calendar year and regnal year of a document are both quoted and the month of the year is given, then the year of election of the sovereign is a simple matter. Since sovereigns served from Michaelmas to Michaelmas, a date before 29 September means that the Sovereigns election took place in the previous calendar year. If only the regnal year is quoted, a certain amount of close argument is needed. Rothe generally sets out his reasoning for the reader. In one case he infers that Thomas Mownister, alias English was the Sovereign because his name is first on the list of council members pardoned by Henry VI in 1430 and in a document of that type it would be usual to give the sovereigns name first. In a very few cases he fails to give his source, but these are exceptions. In 1410 Rothe gives Robertus Taine and Thomas Mownister for the following year whereas McNeill has Nicholaus Stokes and Robertus Taine. Here for once, Rothe seems to have got the regnal year confused. In early 1413 Liber Primus has Johannes Schortalls signing documents as sovereign which implies he was elected in September 1412, but Rothe quotes a document of Patrick Archers signed by Thomas English alias Mownister for the same year. I have simply put both names.
It seems fairly obvious that Richard Connell had access to Rothes book when he made out his own list. He got almost the same results as Gilbert did two centuries later with the exception of the two earliest names, Richard Palmer and Richard de Lega, which Gilbert missed.
The book which Rothe named Liber Secundus is now missing. Most of it has been gone since the eighteenth century and the end part seems to have gone missing sometime in the twentieth. Fortunately Rothe put extracts from both Liber Primus and Liber Secundus into his register. From 1516 to 1532 Rothe gives both books as sources, but from 1533 to 1544, he has to rely on Liber Secundus alone. Apart altogether from preserving a host of names of freemen and members of the council and demi-council, Rothe transcribed acts of the Dern hundred and decisions of the council. After each extract he gives the folio number in Liber Secundus. Judging by the numbers of the folios given in the references there can be little of the missing book which he didnt transcribe.
From 1545, Rothe has no entries but Connells list continues until 1558. He leaves the next thirty years blank and has a full list from 1589 finishing with the last Sovereign of the Town of Kilkenny, Nicholas Ley who was elected in 1608 and was named in the charter of 1609 as the first Mayor of the City of Kilkenny. Connell does not say what his sources are for the entries from 1544 onwards. He did have access to a number of Corporation books which have been missing since the 18th century, including a book which covered the period from 1590 to the 1640s. This could have given him the names of the last 20 sovereigns. It is also possible to supply the names of twelve sovereigns from the 16th century from Honora Fauls Guide to Material in the Kilkenny Corporation Archives compiled in January 1988. She names them as witnesses to leases and other documents. In all then, from 1282 to 1608 we have the names of two hundred and forty four sovereigns of the Town of Kilkenny.
Most of the names are given in Latin versions with Robertus for Robert and so on. In a very few cases the surname is given in either a Latinised or French form. In the case of De Lega 1289, I wonder if it is a version of Ley the earliest occurrence of which is 1321. Connell renders Fil Hugonis 1334 as FitzHenry but Ive put FitzHugh. Rothe is also spelled Roth and Rooth. Ive mostly taken Connells English versions of the names but picked on one spelling for each surname.
Sovereigns 1282-1447 | Sovereigns 1449-1608 |
1282 Richard Palmer 1289 Richard de Lega 1293 Alan Donninge 1295 Alan Donninge 1296 John White 1300 Robert de Edesor 1301 William Outlaw 1303 Robert de Edesor 1305 Alan Donninge 1307 John White 1310 William Outlaw 1311 Henry Outlaw 1312 Alan Donnynge 1314 Phillip Croker 1315 Nicholas Croker 1316 John Godyn 1317 John Godyn 1318 John Enocke (Eynow) 1319 John Godyn 1320 John Enocke 1321 Thomas de Ley 1322 John Enocke 1323 William Donninge 1324 William Donninge 1326 William Fitz Geoffrey 1327 William Fitz Geoffrey 1328 William Fitz Geoffrey 1329 John Folyn 1330 Thomas Shortall 1331 Bartholomew Folyn 1332 Bartholomew Folyn 1333 Thomas Oweyn 1334 Walter FitzHugh 1335 Gilbert Fort 1336 Gilbert Fort 1337 John Cross 1338 John Cross 1339 Nicholas Bristow 1340 John Alyn 1341 John Cross 1342 John Cross 1343 John Cross 1345 Nicholas Bristow 1346 John Cross 1347 John Cross 1348 Thomas Venn 1349 John Enocke 1350 John Enocke 1351 William Folyn 1352 John Enocke 1353 James Oweyn 1356 William Lofe 1357 John Rennell 1358 John Enocke 1360 John Whyte de Ely 1364 John Enocke 1366 David Archer 1367 William Tirrell 1368 William Tirrell 1369 Robert Dencourt 1370 William Bristowe 1371 Oliver Knaresborough 1372 Robert Flood 1373 Robert Dencourt 1374 Robert Talbot 1375 Robert Talbot 1376 David Archer 1377 David Archer 1379 Oliver Knaresborough 1380 Oliver Knaresborough 1381 Patrick Catermas 1383 John Cadde 1384 Nicholas Ley 1385 Nicholas Ley 1386 Robert Talbot 1387 John Lumbard 1388 Richard Norton 1389 Robert Folyn 1390 John Dyer 1391 John Chamberlain 1392 Thomas Knaresborough 1393 Thomas Taylor 1394 Phillip Cadde 1395 John Daniell 1396 William Stone 1397 Nicholas White 1398 William Stone 1399 Richard Talbot 1400 Thomas Knaresborough 1401 Robert Dullard 1402 Thomas Talbot 1403 Thomas Rothe 1404 Richard Talbot 1405 Roger Bernard 1406 John Marshall 1407 John Croker 1408 Nicholas Stokes 1410 Nicholas Stokes 1411 Robert Taine 1412 Thomas English, alias Mownister 1413 John Shortall 1416 John Lumbard 1417 Thomas Chamberlain 1418 John Marshall 1419 Nicholas White 1420 David Girdler, alias Browne 1421 Robert Folyn 1422 Nicholas White 1423 1424 John Coke 1425 William Archer 1427 John Knaresborough 1428 Maurice Stafford 1429 John Marshall 1430 Thomas English alias Mownister 1431 Nicholas Sutton 1432 John Knaresborough 1433 John Marshall 1434 William Archer 1435 William White 1438 John Archer 1440 John Roth 1442 Walter Sherlock 1443 John Knaresborough 1444 Robert Savage 1445 John Whiteside 1446 John Whiteside 1447 Elias Archer | 1449 John Rothe 1450 Patrick Sentleger 1451 John Knaresborough 1452 John Ragget 1457 John Gerrot 1460 Thomas Sherlock for Elias Archer who refused to serve. 1464 William Archer 1465 John Rothe 1466 William Archer Fitz Elias 1467 Walter Archer 1468 Walter Archer 1471 Patrick Daniell 1473 John Rothe 1475 Thomas Sherlock served for John Folyng of Drogheda 1477 John Whiteside 1482 John Knaresborough 1486 John Sherlock 1487 Robert Leonard 1489 Nicholas Ragget 1490 John Mothell 1491 Denis Maldony 1492 Denis Maldony 1493 Robert Shee 1494 Robert Shee 1496 Robert Shee 1498 Peter Archer 1499 John Archer 1500 Thomas Marshall 1501 John Savage 1502 Walter Sherlock 1503 Patrick Archer 1504 William Kyrdow 1505 Robert Rothe 1506 Richard Rothe 1507 Walter Courcy 1508 Patrick Archer 1509 Robert Rothe 1510 Robert Rothe 1511 Thomas Langton 1512 Walter Sherlock Fit Thomas 1513 Thomas Mothell 1514 Robert Rothe 1515 David Savage 1516 Walter Courcy 1517 Geoffrey Rothe 1518 Patrick Archer 1519 Thomas Mothell 1520 Peter Archer 1521 Peter Archer 1522 Richard Shee 1523 Robert Rothe 1524 Thomas Shee 1525 Richard Rothe 1526 Nicholas Hackett 1527 John Walsh FitzLawrence 1528 Geoffrey Rothe 1529 Peter Walsh 1530 Thomas Shee 1531 John Rothe 1532 Richard Shee 1533 Geoffrey Rothe as locum tenens for Oliver Sentleger Lord of Tullchanbrog 1534 Nicholas Hackett 1535 Thomas Langton 1536 Richard Shee 1537 Robert Rothe 1538 John Walsh 1539 John Rothe 1540 Nicholas Cowley 1541 David Rothe 1542 Walter Archer 1543 Robert Shee 1544 Walter Archer 1545 Walter Lawless 1546 David Rothe 1547 Francis Droone 1548 William Shee 1549 John Langton 1550 David Rothe 1551 Nicholas Cowley 1552 Robert Shee 1553 William Shee 1554 Walter Mothell 1555 John Marshall 1556 Walter Mothell 1557 John Langton 1558 Nicholas Garvey 1566 William Archer 1569 Richard Shee 1572 Helias Shee 1573 John Rothe 1577 Walter Archer 1578 Edward Langton 1579 Peter Shee 1580 John Archer 1581 Robert Shee 1582 Thomas Raghton (Rafter?) 1583 Arthur Shee 1584 Richard Ragget. Arthur Shee deputy 1585 Richard Ragget 1586 Arthur Shee 1587 Thomas Archer 1588 Edward Langton 1589 Thomas Raghton (Rafter?) 1590 Walter Archer 1591 Arthur Shee 1592 Richard Ragget 1593 John Archer 1594 Helias Shee 1595 Henry Shee 1596 Geoffrey Rothe 1597 Thomas Archer 1598 Edward Langton 1599 Helias Shee 1600 Henry Shee 1601 Patrick Archer 1602 Luke Shee 1603 Martin Archer 1604 Edward Rothe 1605 John Rothe Fitz Piers 1606 Nicholas Langton 1607 Edward Shee 1608 Thomas Ley |
Mayors 1609-1801 | Mayors 1802-2003 |
1609 Thomas Ley until Michaelmas, then Robert Rothe 1610 Henry Shee 1611 Thomas Archer removed, then Patrick Archer 1612 Edward Rothe 1613 John Rothe FitzPiers, then Nicholas Langton 1614 Edward Shee 1615 Luke Shee 1616 John Rothe FitzPiers, then David Rothe amoved for not taking the oath of Supremacy, then Clement Raggett, then Sir Cyprian Horsfall 1617 Clement Raggett 1618 William Shee 1619 Clement Raggett 1620 Sir Cyprian Horsfall 1621 Walter Archer 1622 Walter Lawless 1623 Thomas Shee 1624 Walter Archer 1625 Walter Archer. Died Jan. 1626, William Shee 1626 Michael Cowley 1627 Richard Rothe 1628 Henry Archer 1629 Peter Rothe 1630 John Shea 1631 Marcus Shee 1632 William Shee 1633 Robert Shee 1634 Thomas Archer 1635 Richard Lawless 1636 James Cowley 1637 Nicholas Knaresborough 1638 George Shee 1639 Michael Archer 1640 George Shee 1641 Thomas Archer 1642 Patrick Murphy 1643 Walter Archer 1644 Peter Shee 1645 William Langton 1646 Jenkin Rothe 1647 Richard Shea FitzMarcus 1648 Robert Rothe 1649 James Archdekin 1650 Elias Shee 1651 Peter Rothe FitzEdward died replaced by ? Shee 1652 James Brogan (?) 1653 Elias Shee 1654 Daniel Axtell, military governor 1655 Daniel Axtell, military governor 1656 Abel Warren. All Protestant magistrates to Michaelmas 1687 1657 Thomas Addams 1658 John Addams 1659 Thomas Evans 1660 John Jaynor 1661 Thomas Evans 1662 Thomas Butler 1663 William Warden 1664 Peter Goodwin 1665 Peter Goodwin 1666 Thomas Evans 1667 Thomas Evans 1668 Thomas Evans 1669 Thomas Burrell 1670 Thomas Burrell 1671 William Connell 1672 William Connell 1673 Josias Haydock 1674 Josias Haydock 1675 Josias Haydock 1676 Francis Rowledge 1677 Francis Rowledge 1678 Joseph Cuffe 1679 Arthur Helsham died /Thomas Young. 1680 John Baxter 1681 Samuel Phillips 1682 Bartholomew Connor (?) 1683 Thomas Butler 1684 Thomas Longueville 1685 Richard Connell 1686 Richard Connell 1687 John Rothe (A papist) 1688 John Rothe 1689 John Archdekin (continued in office until the rout of Boyne) 1690 July, John Baxter served balance of Archdekins term and was elected mayor at Michaelmas 1691 John Baxter 1692 Joshua Helsham 1693 Joshua Helsham 1694 Ebenezer Warren 1695 Ebenezer Warren 1696 John Pape 1697 Isaac Mukins 1698 Thomas Phillips 1699 George Birch 1700 Abel Butler 1701 Josias Haydock 1702 John Blunden 1703 Patrick Connell 1704 William Earl of Inchiquin 1705 John Hamilton 1706 John Garnett 1707 Adam Haydock 1708 Stephen Haydock 1709 Stephen Haydock 1710 Robert Connell 1711 William Baxter 1712 Edward Evans 1713 Thomas Blunt 1714 William Baxter 1715 James Agar 1716 John Birch 1717 John Dessaroy 1718 John Cooksey 1719 John Blunden 1720 Enoch Collier 1721 John Cuffe 1722 Richard Phillips 1723 Thomas Sandford 1724 Edward Warren 1725 Arthur Helsham 1726 Thomas Butler 1727 Thomas Barnes 1728 John Blunden 1729 John Blunden 1730 Stephen Haydock / Edward Warren 1731 William Gore 1732 Edward Evans 1733 Edward Warren 1734 Henry Evans 1735 Richard Butler 1736 Algernon Warren 1737 George St. George 1738 Thomas Butler 1739 Arthur Helsham 1740 William Gore 1741 Ebenezer Lodge 1742 Anthony Blunt 1743 Barry Colles 1744 Samuel Matthews 1745 Ambrose Evans 1746 Ambrose Evans 1747 Joseph Evans 1748 Joseph Blunt 1749 Ambrose Evans 1750 Ebenezer Lodge 1751 Ralph Gore 1752 Harvy Morres 1753 John Blunden 1754 William Evans Morres 1755 William Colles 1756 George Carpenter 1757 James Percival 1758 Thomas Butler 1759 Charles Gore 1760 Anthony Blunt 1761 Thomas Wilkinson 1762 Anthony Blunt 1763 John Blunt 1764 Francis Lodge 1765 Barry Colles 1766 Haydocke Evans Morres 1767 Thomas Butler 1768 John Watters 1769 Christopher Hewetson 1770 Anthony Blunt the younger 1771 Otway Lord Desart 1772 Francis Lodge 1773 Ralph Gore 1774 Thomas Mossom 1775 John Watters 1776 Patrick Welch 1777 Clayton Bayly 1778 John Earl of Wandesford 1779 Otway Lord Desart 1780 Thomas Butler 1781 Henry Geale 1782 Bibby Hartford 1783 Edward Evans 1784 Edmund Butler 1785 Patrick Welch 1786 Edmund Butler 1787 Patrick Welch the younger 1788 James Wemys 1789 Henry Shearman 1790 Robert Edmonds 1791 Patrick Welch the elder 1792 Edmund Butler 1793 Robert Edmunds 1794 James Wemys 1795 Robert Edmonds 1796 William Wilkinson 1797 William Kingsmill 1798 Robert Edmonds 1799 William Pitt Blunden 1800 Robert Edmonds 1801 Sir John Blunden 1802 John Enery 1803 Samuel Matthews 1804 John Helsham 1805 Rev. Edward Herbert 1806 Walter, Earl of Ormonde 1807 The Hon. Hamilton Cuffe 1808 The Hon. James Butler 1809 John Otway, Earl of Desart 1810 George Rothe | 1811 James Wemys 1812 William Bayly 1813 Samuel Matthews 1814 The Hon. James Butler 1815 Rev. Nicholas Herbert 1816 The Hon. Charles Butler 1817 Samuel Madden 1818 John Kinchela 1819 William Hartford 1820 Nathaniel Alcock 1821 Henry Wemys 1822 Joseph Bradish 1823 Sir Jonah Wheeler Denny Cuffe 1824 Joseph Greene 1825 Charles Madden 1826 Christopher Humfrey / Joseph Bradish 1827 William Kingsmill / Charles Madden 1828 Nathaniel Alcock 1829 William Oliver Wheeler 1830 Henry Gore 1831 William Robertson 1832 Thomas Cronyn 1833 John McCraith 1834 William Grace 1835 Parr Kingsmill 1836 Redmond Reade (first Roman Catholic Mayor since 1690) 1837 Richard Sullivan 1838 Thomas Pack 1839 William Shanahan 1840 Lewis Chapelier Kinchela Sr. 1841 Lewis Chapelier MD 1842 James Burnham 1843 James Burnham The Reformed Corporation 1844 Edmond Smithwick 1845 Robert Cane 1846 Joseph Hackett 1847 Henry Potter 1848 Thomas Hart 1849 Robert Cane 1850 Michael Banim 1851 Michael Hyland 1852 Daniel Cullen 1853 John Potter 1854 Michael Sullivan 1855 James M. Tidmarsh 1856 William Lanigan 1857 Daniel Smithwick 1858 Patrick Moran 1859 Matthew Rowan 1860 Edmund Murphy 1861 Thomas Power 1862 Alexander Colles 1863 Alexander Colles 1864 Edmond Smithwick 1865 Edmond Smithwick 1866 John Feehan 1867 John Buggy 1868 William ODonnell 1869 William Healy 1870 James W. Sullivan 1871 William Hayden 1872 William Kenealy 1873 William Kenealy 1874 Patrick Murphy 1875 Simon Morris 1876 Peter McDermott 1877 Arthur M. Mahon 1878 Daniel McCarthy 1879 James S. Loughlin 1880 Andrew dowling 1881 Patrick Maher 1882 Simon Morris 1883 John Hogan 1884 John E. Smithwick 1885 William ODonnell 1886 James Walsh 1887 Patrick M. Egan 1888 Patrick Egan 1889 John Coyle 1890 David Fenton 1891 Michael Kennedy 1892 Patraick Rowan 1893 Cornelius Quinn 1894 Patrick J. Morrissey 1895 Patrick J. Morrissey 1896 Major OLeary 1897 Thomas Cantwell 1898 John A. Healy Local Government Act 1898 1899 Patrick J. OKeeffe 1900 Joseph Purcell 1901 Joseph Purcell 1902 Patrick Hoyne 1903 Patrick Hoyne 1904 Edward OShea 1905 Edward OShea 1906 Edward McSweeney 1907 Captain Otway Cuffe 1908 Captain Otway Cuffe 1909 Michael J. Potter 1910 Michael J. Potter 1911 Thomas Cantwell 1912 Joseph Purcell 1913 Joseph Purcell 1914 John Magennis 1915 John Magennis 1916 John Magennis 1917 John Slater 1918 John Slater 1919 Peter DeLoughrey 1920 Peter De Loughrey 1921 Peter De Loughrey 1922 Peter DeLoughrey 1923 Peter DeLoughrey 1924 Peter DeLoughrey 1925 James Reade 1926 James Reade 1927 James Reade 1928 John Magennis 1929 John G. Duggan 1930 John G. Duggan 1931 T.J.D. OHanrahan 1932 Michael McSweeney 1933 Michael McSweeney 1934 Michael McSweeney 1935 Patrick Bryan 1936 Patrick Bryan 1937 John Magennis 1938 John Magennis 1939 Raymond Crotty 1940 Raymond Crotty 1941 Raymond Crotty 1942 Raymond Crotty 1943 Commissioner 1944 Commissioner 1945 Patrick J. Crotty 1946 Patrick J. Crotty 1947 James P. Pattison 1948 Thomas J. DeLoughrey 1949 James Monahan 1950 John Leahy 1951 John Leahy 1952 Patrick Gleeson 1953 Patrick Gleeson 1954 Patrick Gleeson 1955 Patrick Gleeson 1956 John J. Holohan 1957 Michael J. McGuinness 1958 Michael J. McGuinness 1959 John J. Holohan 1960 Seamus Monahan 1961 John J. Holohan 1962 Patrick Kinchella 1963 Tomás Ó Dubhshláine 1964 Tomás O Dubhshláine 1965 Michael J.McGuinness 1966 Michael J. McGuinness 1967 Thomas Martin 1968 John J. Holohan 1969 Margaret Tynan (First woman elected Mayor) 1970 Margaret Tynan 1971 Kieran Crotty 1972 Kieran Crotty 1973 Michael J. McGuinness 1974 Thomas Martin 1975 John J. Holohan 1976 Seamus Pattison 1977 Margaret Tynan 1978 Luke Boyle 1979 Thomas Martin 1980 Kieran Crotty 1981 Luke Boyle 1982 John J. Holohan 1983 Thomas Crotty 1984 Michael J. McGuinness 1985 Margaret Tynan 1986 Margaret Tynan 1987 Margaret Tynan 1988 Margaret Tynan 1989 Kieran Crotty 1990 Kieran Crotty 1991 Thomas Crotty 1992 Seamus Pattison 1993 Michael J. McGuinness 1994 Michael Lanigan 1995 Kieran Crotty 1996 John J. McGuinness 1997 Margaret Tynan 1998 Tomás Ó Dublshláine / John Bolger 1999 Tony Patterson 2000 Paul Cuddihy 2001 Joe Cody 2002 Betty Manning 2003 Pat Crotty 2004 Martin Brett 2005 Marie Fitzpatrick 2006 Martin Brett 2007 Marie Fitzpatrick 2008 Pat Crotty 2009 Malcolm Noonan 2010 Martin Brett
Notes and Sources |
Liber Primus Kilkenniensis, Edited by Charles McNeill, Dublin 1931 Liber Primus Kilkenniensis, translated by Jocelyn Otway-Ruthven, Kilkenny 1961 MS 2513 in the National Library. (Alderman Connells Book) Manuscripts 105 and 106, Gilbert Collection in the Dublin City Archives. (Rothes Register) Genealogical Memoirs of the Members of Parliament for the County And City of Kilkenny - George Dames Burtchaell, Dublin 1888 I should like to thank John Bradley for recommending Rothes Register as a source and Dr. Máire Kennedy and Mary Clarke of the Dublin City Archives for their help and courtesy Otway-Ruthven in the introduction to her 1961 translation favours the date 1230 AD as did John G. A. Prim in 1851. McNeill sets out the arguments for and against in a note p.1 of Liber Primus Kilkenniensis, Stationery Office Dublin, 1931. Rothes Register of the Antiquities and Statutes of the Town of Kilkenny, Appendix to the second report of the Historical Manuscripts Commission. p. 257, article by J.T. Gilbert