Notice of Rates Having Been Made - Borough of Kilkenny
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Municipal Rates have been duly made on the
property rateable in the Borough of Kilkenny.
The rateable valuation multiplier for the ordinary expenditure of the Borough
Council for the service of the financial year ending 31st December, 2010, is 60.64.
The Gross Revenue Expenditure is made up as follows:-
Gross Revenue Expenditure | Programme Group | Euro |
1 | Housing and Building | €1,076,100.00 |
2 | Road Transportation and Safety | €3,272,600.00 |
3 | Water Supply and Sewerage | €40,000.00 |
4 | Development Incentives and Controls | €1,020,200.00 |
5 | Environmental Protection | €1,638,100.00 |
6 | Recreation and Amenity | €1,682,800.00 |
7 | Agriculture, Education, Health and Welfare | €10,00.00 |
8 | Miscellaneous Services | €1,746,400.00 |
| Total | €10,487,000.00 |
Rates will not be levied on Domestic property, on the residential portion of
business premises and on secondary schools, bona fide Community Halls and on
farm out-buildings.
Under Section 7(1) of the Local Government (Financial Provisions) Act, 1978,
any person who is aggrieved at the failure of a rating authority to make him
an allowance under that Act or who believes that he is entitled to a different
allowance to that made to him may, within two months of the date of making
of the Rate, request the Rating Authority in writing to grant the appropriate
allowance. In case the request is not complied with within 28 days, the person
may within 4 months of the date of making the Rate apply to the District Court
to have the appropriate allowance made. The above rates were made on the 20th
February 2009. Any request in respect of them, under Section 7(1) of the Local
Government (Financial Provisions) Act, 1978, must therefore be made to Kilkenny
Borough Council not later than the 26th April, 2010. Any application to the District
Court under the same provision must be made not later than the 26th June, 2010.
The Rate Books are now in my custody and may be inspected by any person
affected thereby at the offices of the Kilkenny Borough Council between the hours
of 10.00 a.m. and 4.00 p.m. exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays. The
said Rates will be payable from and after publication of this notice.
Dated this 26th day of February, 2010.
B Tyrrrell,
Senior Executive Officer,
Kilkenny Borough Council,
City Hall,